Hello, my name is Rubén Maté and I'm a software developer from Spain
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I'm a Computer Science graduate in Burgos University. I have experience working mostly on frontend web development but I've also worked in backend environments.

My developer workflow revolves around the terminal and I have my own Neovim config and dotfiles.
Thanks for stopping by!

*If you are feeling fancy you can also curl my resume from the terminal
curl -L ancv.io/rubenmate

Work Experience

  • Full Stack Web Development at Implemental Systems
    2023 - present
    Working on both frontend and backend web development, with a strong emphasis on creating GIS systems based on the web environment. On the frontend, I've utilized technologies such as React, Three.js, Leaflet, and OpenLayers. For backend development, I've worked with Express and Spring Boot. Additionally, I have experience deploying applications and infrastructure using Docker.


  • Draw Entity Relation App: My final project of the Computer Science Degree. It is a web app for drawing (simple) entity relation models and allows to generate the corresponding SQL script.
    Source code on GitHub
  • Rebuilt homepage: Using Astro framework and TailwindCSS.
    Source code on GitHub
  • Pokedex App: Project to experiment with a fullstack aproach to web development. It uses a stack consisting of Next.js, tRPC and Tailwind.
    Source code on GitHub
  • Previous homepage: Built with Next.js as a React framework and ChakraUI (an accesible library for React components).
    Source code on GitHub
  • To-Do App: Simple To-Do List app written in React. Built for learning the React fundamentals with Typescript. It is also using Vite and TailwindCSS.
    Source code on GitHub

Web presence